Fall in Fashion: Trendy Items to Make Your Own

The seasons are changing and you know what that means: it’s time for a serious wardrobe update. Luckily for you, instead of dropping tons of money on new fall and winter fashions at the hottest boutique, Fabrictopia is here with some awesome make-your-own fashion trends. Check out some of our favorites below.


The Houston area isn’t exactly known for its snowy season, but that doesn’t mean a cozy fall scarf is out of the question! Rather than buying a new scarf, why not make your own? For warmer winter climates like ours, it’s important to choose a light fabric that’s breathable, but still fall-chic. Rather than choosing a warm flannel, go with a cotton blend in a dark, fall hue. If you’re into the trendy, rough-cut edges we’re seeing on tons of scarfs this season, simply slice the size you want from a bolt of fabric, wrap and wear. To avoid sewing, you can also snip fringe into your scarf, and knot them together to prevent fraying. Whatever way you choose, this DIY project is low maintenance and will give you a completely custom look that’s easy and affordable! 

Metallic Touch

Another popular fall trend is adding a metallic detail to clothing, says Elle. These simple additions take any item from ordinary to elegant, and add a sparkle and sheen to your chic look. Try exploring a touch of satin as an option, as these shimmering fabrics stand out and offer a range of stylish metallic colors that can accent any piece of clothing.


There’s no doubt that the ‘90s are back with the choker trend, but this fall the trend is that more is better. That means instead of the simple ribbon styles that we all loved two decades ago, now statement chokers are in. Covering the whole neck, these necklaces are meant to stand out in your outfit. Try making your own from cotton, satin or velvet in your favorite fall color. You can even add a statement decoration like a bead or a broach to make it extra unique.

No matter what’s getting you inspired this season, stop by Fabrictopia to get what you need to update your fall wardrobe update. Find the fabrics that you need by stopping in to see us today on Harwin Drive in Houston or call us at 713-977-0747 for help finding the right fabrics for you.


December 09, 2016 1 tags (show)